
Core Transformations

To use the Core Transformations provided by the .etl accessor with any Pandas DataFrame or Series, it’s enough to import BlueETL and call the desired methods.

For example:

import blueetl
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [0, 1, 2], "b": [3, 4, 5]})
df = df.etl.q(a=1)

See the Jupyter notebook 01 Core transformations for more information and examples.

Analysis of reports

Basic usage

To perform the analysis of reports across multiple simulations in a given simulation campaign, a configuration file needs to be provided.

The configuration file should specify in particular:

  • simulation_campaign: path to the json configuration file of the Simulation Campaign produced by bbp-workflow.

  • output: path to the output directory where the results are stored. It’s also used as cache, and existing stale files may be automatically deleted.

  • analysis: dictionary containing a key for each report to be analyzed.

and for each report:

  • extraction: configuration dictionary used to extract data from the report, by window and neuron class.

  • features: list of configuration dictionaries used to calculate the features.

See the Configuration page for full reference and examples.

A simple way to initialize a MultiAnalyzer object from the configuration file in your code is:

from blueetl.analysis import run_from_file

ma = run_from_file("analysis_config.yaml", loglevel="INFO")

The code above will automatically execute the extraction of the report data, and the calculation of the features.

If you prefer to execute the extraction and calculation steps manually, you could use instead:

from blueetl.analysis import run_from_file

ma = run_from_file("analysis_config.yaml", loglevel="INFO", extract=False, calculate=False)

You can also specify other parameters:

  • seed (int): to set a specific seed, or None if you don’t want to initialize the random number generator used to select random neurons.

  • clear_cache (bool): True or False to force clearing or keeping any existing cache, regardless of the value in the configuration file.

  • show (bool): True to print a short representation of all the DataFrames, sometimes useful for a quick inspection.

If not already done automatically with the initialization code above, you can execute the extraction of the data from the report and the calculation of the features with:


In case of spikes report, the resulting dataframes will be accessible as:



The list of the available names of the reports can be obtained with:


The list of the available names of the dataframes can be obtained with:


Command Line Interface

BlueETL includes a simple CLI providing a few subcommands:

$ blueetl --help
Usage: blueetl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  The CLI entry point.

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  run              Run the analysis.
  migrate-config   Migrate a configuration file.
  validate-config  Validate a configuration file.
  convert-spikes   Convert spikes in CSV format.

To extract and calculate features without writing additional code, you can use the run subcommand:

$ blueetl run --help

  Run the analysis.

  --seed INTEGER                  Pseudo-random generator seed  [default: 0]
  --extract / --no-extract        Extract (or load from the cache) the
  --calculate / --no-calculate    Calculate (or load from the cache) the
  --show / --no-show              Show repository and features dataframes.
  --clear-cache / --no-clear-cache
                                  If True, force clearing the cache.
  --readonly-cache / --no-readonly-cache
                                  If True, use the existing cache if possible,
                                  or raise an error if not.
  --skip-features-cache / --no-skip-features-cache
                                  If True, do not write the features to the
  -i, --interactive / --no-interactive
                                  Start an interactive IPython shell.
  -v, --verbose                   -v for INFO, -vv for DEBUG
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

To validate the configuration file without running the analysis, you can use the validate-config subcommand:

$ blueetl validate-config --help
Usage: blueetl validate-config [OPTIONS] ANALYSIS_CONFIG_FILE

  Validate a configuration file.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

To migrate an old configuration, you can use the migrate-config subcommand:

$ blueetl migrate-config --help

  Migrate a configuration file.

  --sort / --no-sort  Sort the root keys.  [default: sort]
  --help              Show this message and exit.

Output and caching

The extracted dataframes are saved into the configured output directory.


It is important to understand the caching strategy. The cache can be manually deleted to ensure that everything is recalculated from scratch.

The dataframes are automatically loaded and used as cache if the MultiAnalyzer object is recreated using the same configuration, or they may be automatically deleted and rebuilt if the configuration has changed.

If only some parts of the configuration have changed, only the invalid dataframes are deleted and rebuilt.

In particular, given this ordered list of extracted dataframes:

  1. simulations

  2. neurons

  3. neuron_classes

  4. trial_steps

  5. windows

  6. report

  7. all the features dataframes

these rules apply:

  • If the Simulation Campaign configuration specified by simulation_campaign changed, all the dataframes are rebuilt.

  • If any of neuron_classes, limit, target changed in the extraction section of the configuration, then the neurons dataframe and all the following are rebuilt.

  • If any of windows and trial_steps changed in the extraction section of the configuration, then the trial_steps dataframe and all the following are rebuilt.

  • If a feature configuration changed in the features section of the configuration, then the corresponding dataframes are rebuilt.

  • If a feature configuration has been removed from the features section of the configuration, then the corresponding dataframes are deleted.

  • If a feature configuration is unchanged, then the corresponding dataframes are loaded from the cache, regardless of any change in the python function.

    Because of this, if you changed the logic of the function, you may need to manually delete the cached dataframes.

When simulations_filter is specified in the configuration:

  • If the new filter is narrower or equal to the filter used to generate the old cache, then the old cache is used to produce the new filtered dataframes, and the cache is replaced if different.

  • If the new filter is broader than the filter used to generate the old cache, then the old cache is deleted and rebuilt.

Examples of narrower and broader filters:

  • the filter {"key": 1} is narrower than {"key": [1, 2]}

  • the filter {"key": {"lt": 3}} is narrower than {"key": {"lt": 4}}

  • the filter {"key": {"le": 3, "ge": 1}} is narrower than {"key": {"le": 4}}