
Common utilities.



Return True if all the items of the given iterable are equal, False otherwise.

checksum(filepath[, chunk_size])

Calculate and return the checksum of the given file.


Calculate and return the checksum of the given object converted to json.


Calculate and return the checksum of the given string.

copy_config(src, dst)

Copy the analysis configuration file to a different location.


Iterate over the product of the values of the given dict.

dump_json(filepath, data, *[, encoding, indent])

Dump to JSON file.

dump_yaml(filepath, data, **kwargs)

Dump to YAML file.

ensure_dtypes(df[, desired_dtypes])

Return a DataFrame with the columns and index cast to the desired types.


Always return a list from the given argument.

extract_items(obj[, path])

Yield tuples (path, item) from the traversal of the given dict.


Return the shared memory directory, or return None if not set.


Import and return a function by name.


Import an optional dependency.

load_json(filepath, *[, encoding])

Load from JSON file.


Load from YAML file.

relpath(path, start)

Return a relative filepath to path from the start directory.

resolve_path(*paths[, symlinks])

Make the path absolute and return a new path object.

setup_logging(loglevel[, logformat])

Setup logging.

timed(log, msg)

Context manager to log the execution time using the specified logger function.



MixIn to be used with classes using cached_property to be skipped when pickled.

class blueetl.utils.CachedPropertyMixIn

Bases: object

MixIn to be used with classes using cached_property to be skipped when pickled.

blueetl.utils.all_equal(iterable: Iterable) bool

Return True if all the items of the given iterable are equal, False otherwise.

Notes: - The items doesn’t need to be hashable, because they are compared with equality. - The function returns True also when the iterable doesn’t contain any item.

blueetl.utils.checksum(filepath: str | PathLike, chunk_size: int = 65536) str

Calculate and return the checksum of the given file.

blueetl.utils.checksum_json(obj: Any) str

Calculate and return the checksum of the given object converted to json.

blueetl.utils.checksum_str(s: str) str

Calculate and return the checksum of the given string.

blueetl.utils.copy_config(src: str | PathLike, dst: str | PathLike) None

Copy the analysis configuration file to a different location.

If the simulation_campaign path is relative, then it’s resolved relatively to the directory containing the original configuration file.

The output path, instead, is not resolved even when it’s relative.

Note that any comment present in the original file is not preserved.

blueetl.utils.dict_product(d: dict) Iterator[tuple]

Iterate over the product of the values of the given dict.

Yield tuples of tuples, where each item is composed by:

  • key

  • value

  • index of the key in the original list


Passing the dictionary:

d = {"a": ["a1", "a2"], "b": ["b1", "b2"]}

Yields tuples from:

    (("a", "a1", 0), ("b", "b1", 0)),
    (("a", "a1", 0), ("b", "b2", 1)),
    (("a", "a2", 1), ("b", "b1", 0)),
    (("a", "a2", 1), ("b", "b2", 1)),
blueetl.utils.dump_json(filepath: str | PathLike, data: Any, *, encoding: str = 'utf-8', indent: int = 2, **kwargs) None

Dump to JSON file.

blueetl.utils.dump_yaml(filepath: str | PathLike, data: Any, **kwargs) None

Dump to YAML file.

blueetl.utils.ensure_dtypes(df: DataFrame, desired_dtypes: dict[str, Any] | None = None) DataFrame

Return a DataFrame with the columns and index cast to the desired types.

  • df – original Pandas DataFrame.

  • desired_dtypes – dict of names and desired dtypes. If None, the predefined dtypes are used. If the dict contains names not present in the columns or in the index, they are ignored.


The same DataFrame is modified and returned, if it’s possible to avoid making a copy.

blueetl.utils.ensure_list(x: Any) list

Always return a list from the given argument.

blueetl.utils.extract_items(obj: dict[str, Any], path: str | None = None) Iterator[tuple[str, Any]]

Yield tuples (path, item) from the traversal of the given dict.

Each yielded path is obtained from the concatenation of the nested keys, separated by “.”.

All the keys of the dicts are expected to be strings, not containing “.”.

For examples, iterating over the result of:

        "latency": {"params": {"onset": False}},
        "decay": {"params": {"ratio": [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]}},
        "baseline_PSTH": {"params": {"bin_size": 0.5, "sigma": 0, "offset": -6}},

would yield the following tuples:

("latency.params.onset", False)
("decay.params.ratio",  [0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
("baseline_PSTH.params.bin_size", 0.5)
("baseline_PSTH.params.sigma", 0)
("baseline_PSTH.params.offset", -6)
blueetl.utils.get_shmdir() Path | None

Return the shared memory directory, or return None if not set.

blueetl.utils.import_by_string(full_name: str) Callable

Import and return a function by name.


full_name – full name of the function, using dot as a separator if in a submodule.


The imported function.

blueetl.utils.import_optional_dependency(name: str) Any

Import an optional dependency.

If a dependency is missing, an ImportError with a custom message is raised. Based on:


name – The module name.


The imported module, if found.

Return type:


blueetl.utils.load_json(filepath: str | PathLike, *, encoding: str = 'utf-8', **kwargs) Any

Load from JSON file.

blueetl.utils.load_yaml(filepath: str | PathLike) Any

Load from YAML file.

blueetl.utils.relpath(path: str | PathLike, start: str | PathLike) Path

Return a relative filepath to path from the start directory.

In Python>=3.12 it would be possible to use Path.relative_to with walk_up=True.

blueetl.utils.resolve_path(*paths: str | PathLike, symlinks: bool = False) Path

Make the path absolute and return a new path object.

It may be different from calling Path.resolve(), because Path.resolve() always resolve symlinks. It may be different from calling Path.absolute(), because Path.absolute() doesn’t remove the relative paths. For example, Path(‘/tmp/..’).absolute() == PosixPath(‘/tmp/..’).

blueetl.utils.setup_logging(loglevel: int | str, logformat: str | None = None, **logparams) None

Setup logging.

blueetl.utils.timed(log: Callable[[str], None], msg: str) Iterator[list[str]]

Context manager to log the execution time using the specified logger function.

The yielded list of messages can be used to replace the existing message, or inject additional strings to the final log.