



BaseExtractor class.


CompartmentReportExtractor class.

FilteredRepository(parent, simulations_filter)

FilteredRepository class.


NeuronClassesExtractor class.


NeuronsExtractor class.

Repository(simulations_config, ...[, ...])

Repository class.


SimulationsExtractor class.


SomaReportExtractor class.


SpikesExtractor class.


WindowsExtractor class.

class blueetl.repository.BaseExtractor(repo: Repository)

Bases: ABC, Generic[ExtractorT]

BaseExtractor class.

Initialize the object.

extract(name: str) ExtractorT

Return an object extracted from the cache or as new.


name – name of the dataframe.

abstract extract_cached(df: DataFrame, name: str) ExtractorT

Instantiate an object from a cached DataFrame.

abstract extract_new() ExtractorT

Instantiate an object from the configuration.

class blueetl.repository.CompartmentReportExtractor(repo: Repository)

Bases: BaseExtractor[CompartmentReport]

CompartmentReportExtractor class.

Initialize the object.

extract_cached(df: DataFrame, name: str) CompartmentReport

Instantiate an object from a cached DataFrame.

extract_new() CompartmentReport

Instantiate an object from the configuration.

class blueetl.repository.FilteredRepository(parent: Repository, simulations_filter: dict[str, Any])

Bases: Repository

FilteredRepository class.

Initialize the object using the given dict of DataFrames.

Filtered dataframes are never written to disk.

needs_filter(name: str) bool

Return True if the repository needs to be filtered during the extraction.

class blueetl.repository.NeuronClassesExtractor(repo: Repository)

Bases: BaseExtractor[NeuronClasses]

NeuronClassesExtractor class.

Initialize the object.

extract_cached(df: DataFrame, name: str) NeuronClasses

Instantiate an object from a cached DataFrame.

extract_new() NeuronClasses

Instantiate an object from the configuration.

class blueetl.repository.NeuronsExtractor(repo: Repository)

Bases: BaseExtractor[Neurons]

NeuronsExtractor class.

Initialize the object.

extract_cached(df: DataFrame, name: str) Neurons

Instantiate an object from a cached DataFrame.

extract_new() Neurons

Instantiate an object from the configuration.

class blueetl.repository.Repository(simulations_config: SimulationCampaign, extraction_config: ExtractionConfig, cache_manager: CacheManager, simulations_filter: dict[str, Any] | None = None, resolver: Resolver | None = None)

Bases: object

Repository class.

Initialize the repository.

  • simulations_config – simulation campaign configuration.

  • extraction_config – extraction configuration.

  • cache_manager – cache manager responsible to load and dump dataframes.

  • simulations_filter – optional simulations filter.

  • resolver – resolver instance.

apply_filter(simulations_filter: dict[str, Any]) Repository

Apply the given filter and return a new object.

property cache_manager: CacheManager

Access to the cache manager.

check_extractions() None

Check that all the dataframes have been extracted.

extract() None

Extract all the dataframes.

property extraction_config: ExtractionConfig

Access to the extraction configuration.

is_cached() bool

Return True if all the dataframes have been cached (loaded in memory or not).

is_extracted() bool

Return True if all the dataframes have been extracted and loaded in memory.

missing_simulations() DataFrame

Return a DataFrame with the simulations ignored because of missing spikes.


pd.DataFrame with the simulation conditions and simulation_path as columns,

and one record for each ignored and missing simulation.

property names: list[str]

Return the list of names of the extracted objects.

needs_filter(name: str) bool

Return True if the repository needs to be filtered during the extraction.

property neuron_classes: NeuronClasses

Return the NeuronClasses extraction.

property neurons: Neurons

Return the Neurons extraction.

property report: ReportExtractor

Return the Report extraction.

property resolver: Resolver | None

Return the resolver.

show() None

Print some information about the instance, mainly for debug and inspection.

property simulation_ids: list[int]

Return the list of simulation ids, possibly filtered.

property simulations: Simulations

Return the Simulations extraction.

property simulations_config: SimulationCampaign

Access to the simulation campaign configuration.

property simulations_filter: dict[str, Any] | None

Access to the simulations filter.

property spikes: ReportExtractor

Return the Spikes extraction.

property windows: Windows

Return the Windows extraction.

class blueetl.repository.SimulationsExtractor(repo: Repository)

Bases: BaseExtractor[Simulations]

SimulationsExtractor class.

Initialize the object.

extract_cached(df: DataFrame, name: str) Simulations

Instantiate an object from a cached DataFrame.

extract_new() Simulations

Instantiate an object from the configuration.

class blueetl.repository.SomaReportExtractor(repo: Repository)

Bases: BaseExtractor[SomaReport]

SomaReportExtractor class.

Initialize the object.

extract_cached(df: DataFrame, name: str) SomaReport

Instantiate an object from a cached DataFrame.

extract_new() SomaReport

Instantiate an object from the configuration.

class blueetl.repository.SpikesExtractor(repo: Repository)

Bases: BaseExtractor[Spikes]

SpikesExtractor class.

Initialize the object.

extract_cached(df: DataFrame, name: str) Spikes

Instantiate an object from a cached DataFrame.

extract_new() Spikes

Instantiate an object from the configuration.

class blueetl.repository.WindowsExtractor(repo: Repository)

Bases: BaseExtractor[Windows]

WindowsExtractor class.

Initialize the object.

extract_cached(df: DataFrame, name: str) Windows

Instantiate an object from a cached DataFrame.

extract_new() Windows

Instantiate an object from the configuration.